Musical treat for St. Malachy's Primary School
The children and staff of St. Malachy's primary school were treated to a magnificent concert from the primary 5 class and other musicians from primary 6 and primary 7.
Primary 5 have been enjoying The Musical Pathways programme which has been delivered by Mr Juhasz and Mrs Kenny (SELB Instrumental Tutors)The children explored different aspects of musicality and skills involved in playing woodwind and brass instruments.
Three primary 7 children are currently preparing for their level 1 trumpet and clarinet exams in June, after playing the instruments for just under two years.
The staff and children of St. Malachy's would like to thank the school tutors for their fantastic efforts and dedication throughout the year.
St Malachy's Primary School, Chapel Lane, Armagh, Co. Armagh, BT61 7EG, Northern Ireland | T:02837 523847