Excellence rewarded at St. Malachy's Primary School Armagh
7th May 2014

Pictured are four children from St. Malachy’s P.S. who were awarded at the recent Lena Mackrel schools’ poetry competition. Ruairí received The Daphne Mc Neill Trophy for Exceptional Verse for his poem 'The Battle of Clontarf'. Aoife’s poem 'The Joys of Spring' received a highly commended award. Niamh also received a highly commended award for her poem 'The Dark Sife of The Country’ and Fiona received a highly commended award for her poem ‘Mushrooms’. The whole staff of St. Malachy's would like to congratulate the children for the success they have achieved
St Malachy's Primary School, Chapel Lane, Armagh, Co. Armagh, BT61 7EG, Northern Ireland | T:02837 523847